As the owner of the A4 Pacific locomotive, SIR NIGEL GRESLEY, the 'Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust' has registered her nameplates as its trademark with the Trademark Registry at the Intellectual Property Office. The registration number is 2376185 and is dated 22nd July 2005. It covers the nameplate with any background colour including the examples below:
The Trust wishes to stress that as a registered Charity all income from the sale of merchandise featuring these nameplates goes directly towards the preservation and operation of its famous locomotive and therefore it must be fair that those wishing to profit from the locomotive support the Trust in its aims.
The following are examples where such a likeness might be used - models featuring the nameplates, mouse mats, fridge magnets, jigsaw puzzles, mugs, computer software items, prints and paper goods etc. This is not intended to be a definitive list.
Those wishing to make any commercial use of a likeness of the locomotive featuring the nameplates, or who have done so since 22nd July 2005, are invited to contact the Commercial Department by email regarding a licence. ( ) Usually permission will not be unreasonably withheld although ultimately the decision rests with the Trust.
Whilst there will be an initial period of grace to allow arrangements to be made, after a reasonable period the Trust will enforce its rights against commercial undertakings breaching its trademark rights, not only to fulfil its legal obligations but to maintain the quality and value of its asset.
Organisations currently with permission to use our trademark and registered at the Trademark Registry include Hornby Hobbies Ltd., Bachmann Industries Europe plc., Fox Transfers and Buckingham Covers. A full list appears on the Sponsors page of our website together with other Friends of Sir Nigel Gresley.
The public is requested to consider carefully the purchase of any items which use the Trust's trademark where there does not appear to be any licensing arrangement in force, and may wish to alert the Trust to potential infringements.
Copyright © The Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust Ltd